25 Best Short Motivational Stories for Students — SuccessMatters4me

8 min readMay 3, 2023


Students can be inspired and encouraged to work hard and reach their goals through the use of motivational stories, which are a powerful tool. Motivational stories can be found in a variety of formats, including books, videos, and websites. This article’s goal is to give students access to 25 motivational stories for students that cover a wide variety of topics and offer key lessons that can assist students in cultivating a positive mindset, conquering challenges, and staying focused on their goals. These stories will be presented in the order in which they were originally published.

Why you Should read these Motivational Stories?

These short motivational stories can be a wonderful resource for you if you’re searching for a quick dose of motivation to help you keep on track and work hard towards achieving your goals. These stories have the potential to serve as a source of motivation and encouragement for you, allowing you to persevere even when things are challenging you. The following are 25 of the most inspiring and uplifting short stories that students can read to motivate themselves to work hard.

1. The Ant and the Grasshopper

Once upon a time, there was a hardworking ant and a carefree grasshopper. The ant spent every day gathering food and preparing for the winter, while the grasshopper spent his days singing and dancing in the sun. The ant warned the grasshopper to prepare for the winter, but the grasshopper didn’t listen. He thought that he had all the time in the world to enjoy his carefree life.

As the winter approached, the grasshopper started to feel the cold and hunger. He realized that he had made a grave mistake by not listening to the ant. He went to the ant’s home, shivering and weak, and begged for some food to survive the winter. The ant, who had worked hard and planned ahead, had plenty of food to share. He gave the grasshopper some food and taught him a valuable lesson.

The grasshopper was filled with regret and shame for not listening to the ant’s advice. He had to learn the hard way that procrastination and laziness had consequences. He realized that he should have worked hard and planned for the future instead of indulging in pleasure and wasting his time.

#Moral Of This Motivational Story for Students

This story is a reminder that we should not take things for granted and should work hard to achieve our goals. We should plan ahead and prepare for the future, just like the ant did. Laziness and procrastination can lead to regrets and missed opportunities, just like the grasshopper experienced. So, let us learn from this story and strive to be hardworking and disciplined individuals who plan ahead and make the most of our resources and opportunities.

2. The Tortoise and the Hare

Once upon a time, there was a hare who was very proud of his speed. He would often boast about how fast he was and how he could beat anyone in a race. One day, he challenged a tortoise to a race, thinking that the slow and steady tortoise would be an easy victory.

The race began, and the hare quickly took the lead. He was so confident in his speed that he decided to take a nap midway through the race. Meanwhile, the tortoise kept moving slowly and steadily, without stopping or taking any breaks.

When the hare woke up, he was surprised to see the tortoise close to the finish line. He ran as fast as he could to catch up, but it was too late. The tortoise had won the race.

The hare was filled with regret and shame for underestimating the tortoise and being so overconfident. He realized that he had lost the race not because he was slow, but because he had become lazy and complacent. The tortoise, on the other hand, had won the race because he was disciplined and persistent.

#Moral Of This Motivational Story

This story teaches us that hard work and determination can overcome natural abilities and talents. We should never be overconfident and should always strive to improve ourselves. Laziness and complacency can lead to failure and regret, just like the hare experienced. So, let us learn from this story and strive to be disciplined and persistent individuals who never give up on our goals, no matter how slow or steady our progress may be.

3. The Boy Who Cried Wolf

Once upon a time, there was a boy who used to take care of a flock of sheep. He was very mischievous and would often get bored while watching over the sheep. So, he would cry out “Wolf! Wolf!” just to see the villagers come running to his rescue.

The first few times he did this, the villagers rushed to the boy’s aid, only to find out that there was no wolf. They scolded the boy for lying and wasting their time. But the boy found this amusing and continued to cry out “Wolf! Wolf!” even when there was no wolf.

One day, a real wolf came to attack the flock of sheep. The boy cried out for help, but the villagers thought he was lying again and ignored him. The wolf attacked the sheep, and the boy watched helplessly as his entire flock was killed.

The boy learned a hard lesson that day. He realized that his lies had made the villagers not trust him, and when he needed their help the most, they didn’t believe him. He felt terrible for the loss of his sheep and wished he had been honest from the beginning.

#Moral Of This Motivational Story

This story teaches us the importance of honesty and credibility. Lying and being untruthful can lead to severe consequences and affect our relationships with others. We should always strive to be truthful and sincere in our words and actions. We should also understand that our behavior can have far-reaching consequences and not take things for granted. The boy’s experience is a reminder that we must be responsible and accountable for our actions and never underestimate the consequences of our behavior.

4. The Little Engine That Could

Once upon a time, there was a little engine that lived in a train yard with other trains. The little engine was small, and the other trains would often make fun of it, saying it was too weak to do anything useful.

One day, a train needed to deliver toys and food to children on the other side of the mountain. But the other engines refused to help because they thought it was too difficult a task. The little engine was the only one left, and it was scared because it had never been over the mountain before.

Despite its fear, the little engine decided to take on the task. It started slowly, but as it chugged up the mountain, it repeated to itself, “I think I can, I think I can.”

The little engine kept pushing itself harder and harder until it finally made it over the mountain and delivered the toys and food to the children. The children were delighted, and the little engine felt proud of itself for accomplishing the task that others thought it couldn’t do.

#Moral Of This Motivational Story

This story teaches us the power of positive thinking and the importance of believing in ourselves. The little engine’s determination and self-belief allowed it to overcome its fears and achieve something great. We too should never underestimate ourselves and always believe that we can achieve our goals, no matter how difficult they may seem. It’s essential to trust ourselves and our abilities and push through any doubts or negative thoughts we may have. With perseverance and determination, we can accomplish anything we set our minds to, just like the little engine that could.

5. The Lion and the Mouse

Once upon a time, in a dense jungle, a mighty lion was taking a nap under a tree. While he was sleeping, a little mouse accidentally ran over the lion’s body, waking him up. The lion was furious and grabbed the mouse with his massive paw.

The mouse begged for mercy and promised to do something for the lion in return for its life. The lion, amused by the idea, asked the tiny mouse what it could do for him, thinking it was impossible for a little mouse to help him.

The mouse said, “I may be small, but I can be of help to you someday.” The lion, finding it amusing, let the mouse go and thought nothing more of it.

Days later, while the lion was out hunting, it got caught in a hunter’s trap. The lion tried to free itself, but the trap was too strong for it. The lion roared and roared, hoping someone would come and help him.

Suddenly, the little mouse appeared and saw the lion in distress. Remembering its promise, the mouse quickly got to work and nibbled away at the ropes that bound the lion. After a while, the lion was finally free.

The lion realized that it was the tiny mouse that had helped him and thanked the mouse for its kindness. The mouse had saved the lion’s life, and the lion was grateful to the little creature.

#Moral Of This Motivational Story

This story teaches us that we should never underestimate the power of a small act of kindness. No matter how small we may be, we can make a significant impact on someone’s life. The lion had initially underestimated the little mouse, but the mouse’s kind act had saved the lion’s life. It also reminds us that we should always be kind to others, regardless of their size or status. You never know when someone might come to your aid in your time of need, just like the little mouse helped the mighty lion.

To read all 25 stories please visit this link-:


